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Skidmore College
2024 Summer Sessions


Summer Academic Policies and Online Forms

火博体育学院暑期班由特别项目办公室管理. 有关注册或注册的问题可直接发送至 or Lilly Routledge at 518-580-5458.

Summer Admission


Enrollment in summer courses is open to:

  • 目前在火博体育注册的学生都很优秀
  • 在其他学院/大学注册的学生
  • 申请人如果目前未被录取,可以以其他方式证明其资格
  • Note:被火博体育或其他认可的学院/大学录取的高中生 申请本年度秋季学期的学生应通过 Pre-College Program.


学生可以在每个夏季课程中注册最多8个学分. Students are 建议尽早报名,以确保在课程中获得一席之地. Courses lacking sufficient enrollment may be canceled; students registered for a cancelled class will be notified 不迟于会议开始日期前两周,并鼓励选择一个 alternate course.

Registration/Drop/add/grade mode changes

IMPORTANT! 删除/添加/分级模式更改的截止日期在 
Summer 2024 Academic Calendar

Grading Options

所有课程都将被评为A到F,尽管有些课程为学生提供了选择 在满意/不满意(S/U)的基础上修习课程. Students should check 在注册此选项之前与他们的主要部门联系. Choice of grading 必须在注册时作出选择. Students may register for no more than one course per session on an S/U basis.

course Withdrawal

不扣分的退学意味着学生将收到“W”(退学)。 on their transcript. 在火博体育,“W”不计入绩点的计算 averages. 退出一门课程需要教师的书面批准.


任何未完成的作业必须在学期结束后6周内完成 session for which the work was due. 联络是学生的责任 指导老师并制定完成课程的计划. Refer to the Summer 2024 Academic Calendarfor deadlines.


退款政策如下:退还100%的学费和杂费 for courses dropped on or before the session Drop deadline as published in the Summer 2024 Academic Calendar. 此后,学杂费不予退还. Appeals for refunds due to 情有可原的情况可书面提交至 Auden Thomas, Director of Summer Academic Programs.


学院保留开除任何不符合学业要求的学生的权利 standards; whose continuation, in the opinion of college authorities, is not contributing to the best development of the student; or whose behavior is inconsistent with the ideals and standards of the college. Refund of tuition and course fees will be in accordance with the policy indicated above. 决定解雇是他们的责任 暑期学术课程主任和其他项目主任.